Prepaid International Long Distance Services
This service allows you to make international long-distance calls to communicate with family and friends from Venezuela to any country in the world.

International Long-Distance Calls
- Coverage in Venezuela: 100% of the national territory from any phone service.
- Providers: Etelix.
- Technology: Cisco.
- Access: Free nationwide access via 0800 numbers.
- Expense Control: Monitor your balance usage.
- Infrastructure: Dialogic platform located in Caracas.
- Services: International Long-Distance Calls from Venezuela by the minute.

How to Save the Comunicard PIN in Your Phone Directory
Comunicard Questions
- Purchase your Comunicard PIN at sales points such as kiosks, pharmacies, bakeries, etc.
- Dial:
- 0800-1362204 or 0800-6123839 from Movistar.
- 0800-1362427 or 0800-1362600 from other operators.
- Choose the language option.
- Enter the 16-digit PIN.
- Dial the international destination number, including the country code.
- Listen to the message with available call time.
- Listen for the ringing tone and start the conversation once answered.
- Call 0212-2862993.
- Provide your name and surname.
- Provide the Batch or correlational number on the card’s back.
- Briefly describe your report.
- Notify the origin number and the full destination number.
- Provide a contact number where you can be reached.
These terms and conditions of TOP COMUNICATIONS ESTEGIA, C.A., a commercial company registered with the First Commercial Registry of the Judicial District of the Capital District and Miranda State, on February 9, 2000, under No. 24, Volume 17-A-Pro, registered in the Fiscal Information Registry (RIF) under No. J-30679098-5 (hereinafter referred to as TOP COMUNICATIONS), and authorized to operate by General Authorization No. HGST-00154 dated April 8, 2003, and by incorporating the International Long Distance Telephony Attribute No. PADS-GTS-00254 dated November 1, 2012, will govern the provision of international long-distance telephony services provided by the company through its Comunicard Product. The term “Party” or “Parties” shall refer to the Client and TOP COMUNICATIONS.
1.1. Considering that the administrative authorization granted to TOP COMUNICATIONS includes internet services, access to data networks, and the establishment and operation of telecommunications and international long-distance telephony networks, subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract, TOP COMUNICATIONS will provide the Client with International Long-Distance Telephony services to the destinations offered and duly published in nationally circulating newspapers. For the purposes of this contract, the Client shall be understood as the person who enjoys or effectively uses the International Long-Distance Telephony Service provided by TOP COMUNICATIONS under the conditions and terms set forth herein.
1.2. The Service will be provided to the Client through the Comunicard Product, which may be purchased, in exchange for a fee, at sales points or commercial establishments throughout the national territory, such as kiosks, pharmacies, bakeries, among others. To use the service, the Client must dial, from a CANTV, Movistar, Digitel, Inter, or Netuno telephone, the number 0800-1362204 or the one indicated on the back of the card, and once the call is answered by the platform, the Client must select the language, then enter the personal identification number (PIN) requested by the Platform, which is located on the back of the card and must be scratched to be viewed. The Platform will then request the Client to dial the international destination number, after which the Client will receive information on the time available in minutes for the required international call according to the destination. Once the message about the available call time is completed, the Client will hear a ringing tone until the call is answered at the destination, after which the conversation may begin until the Client decides to end it or the available balance runs out. TOP COMUNICATIONS does not guarantee that calls will be terminated through a specific operator, as this will depend on the regulations and agreements with the destination operators.
1.3. The Service will be provided for the amount clearly specified on the front of the prepaid card (Face Value) (See Annex “A”). This contract will come into force once the Client enters the personal identification number (PIN) requested by the Platform until the prepaid amount is consumed.
1.4. If the service does not meet the offer stated in this Contract, TOP COMUNICATIONS will correct any deficiencies and repair any damages it may have caused in accordance with the applicable regulations.
1.5. The Client may make claims or complaints related to the provision of the Service by written notification addressed to TOP COMUNICATIONS or through the telephone number 0212 2862993 or any other duly advertised on its website. TOP COMUNICATIONS undertakes to respond to claims and/or requests by itself or by whoever TOP COMUNICATIONS authorizes to do so, within fifteen (15) continuous days following the date of the claim or request made by the Client.
1.6. TOP COMUNICATIONS will inform the Client of the estimated time for service improvement or resolution of the claim, if applicable.
1.7. By purchasing the prepaid card, the Client accepts the terms and conditions of this contract.
1.8. TOP COMUNICATIONS undertakes to ensure that the Client is aware of any information related to the provision of the Service through its Customer Service Center or its website or by any other means that TOP COMUNICATIONS may notify in due course.
2.1. The Client agrees to comply with all aspects of this Contract.
2.2. The rights and obligations of TOP COMUNICATIONS and the Client are expressly provided in articles 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the Organic Telecommunications Law.
3.1. All charges for the Service will begin to be deducted in Bolivars from the moment the prepaid product is used by the Client according to the fixed instructions and the published rates (See Annex “B”).
3.2. By notification published in two (2) nationally circulating newspapers, TOP COMUNICATIONS will set or increase its maximum rate limits. These maximum limits will be duly notified to the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL).
3.3. The published rates and the face value of the Comunicard Product include the applicable VAT established by Law.
The Parties shall keep confidential any “Confidential Information” belonging to the other Party during the term of this Contract and shall not disclose it to any person (except, respectively, their employees, representatives, contractors, and professional advisors or those of their affiliate who need to know such information) without the consent of the other Party. This Clause shall not apply to information that (a) becomes public domain without breaching this Contract; (b) was in possession of the receiving party before disclosure; (c) was obtained from a third party not subject to restrictions on disclosure; (d) was independently developed without using the Confidential Information of the other Party; or (e) must be disclosed by legal requirement.}
Neither party nor any of its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, suppliers, or subcontractors shall be liable to the other party for damages for loss of profits, data, goodwill, or income of any kind, increased operational costs, or for indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or positive interest damages, regardless of whether the party was informed of the possibility of such damages.
6.1. TOP COMUNICATIONS agrees to provide compensation to the Client when it is applicable in accordance with the Law and other applicable regulations. The Client may choose between compensation or reimbursement to the extent it is feasible.
6.2. The Client agrees to defend and hold TOP COMUNICATIONS harmless against damages, claims, actions, proceedings, costs, and expenses directly arising from third-party claims related to any use of the service by the Client in violation of any law or regulation.
Without prejudice to any provision to the contrary in this Contract, TOP COMUNICATIONS may suspend the Service at any time if: (a) The Client violates or otherwise materially breaches any provisions of this Contract; (b) such suspension is due to an order, instruction, or request from a government authority, emergency services organization, or other administrative body with the necessary competence; or (c) without fault of TOP COMUNICATIONS, if TOP COMUNICATIONS, any legal entity linked to TOP COMUNICATIONS, or any subcontractor of TOP COMUNICATIONS loses its government authorization to provide the suspended Service. Such suspension shall be without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to either Party as a result of such violation or breach.
8.1. Governing Law. The validity, interpretation, and enforcement of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The parties agree that all disputes, conflicts, or claims arising from the enforcement of the rights and obligations under this contract shall be resolved exclusively under the Conciliation and Arbitration Rules of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce, by three (3) arbitrators, who shall decide the dispute under the applicable laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and shall be appointed under the Conciliation and Arbitration Rules of the Caracas Chamber of Commerce.
8.2. Force Majeure. Neither Party shall be liable for non-performance of its obligations if such non-performance is due to a situation of force majeure (“Force Majeure Event”), which shall include, but not be limited to, events beyond the control of the Party such as extremely adverse weather conditions, floods, landslides, earthquakes, storms, lightning, fires, sinkholes, epidemics, acts of terrorism, military hostilities (whether or not war is declared), riots, explosions, strikes, or other labor disturbances, civil disturbances, sabotage, or expropriations by government authorities. If applicable to the service, if TOP COMUNICATIONS is unable to provide the Service due to a Force Majeure Event, the Client may cancel the Service without incurring any liability.
8.3. Notifications. Notifications related to this Contract may be published in two (2) nationally circulating newspapers or on the TOP COMUNICATIONS website, as appropriate.
8.4. Assignment. Each Party reserves the right to assign all or part of this Contract to any Affiliate, provided the assignee can fully fulfill its obligations under this Contract, and a notification of such assignment is made to the other Party. Any other type of assignment will require the prior written consent of the other Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
8.5. Subcontracting. TOP COMUNICATIONS may subcontract the performance of any of its obligations under this Contract without thereby being released from its obligations to the Client.
8.6. Publicity. Neither Party shall use the trademarks, logos, or trade names of the other Party in advertisements or marketing materials without the express prior written consent of the other Party.
8.7 Entire Agreement
This Contract supersedes all prior understandings between the Parties and represents the entire agreement regarding its subject matter. The terms and conditions of this Contract may not be modified, amended, or supplemented except through an instrument issued by the regulatory authority.